Friday, August 4, 2017

Does the GOP support Trump?

Is President Trump Supported by His Own Party?
We, the people, elected Donald J. Trump. Democrats and some Republicans don't want to accept it. In fact, right now they are spending millions of dollars to sabotage this government and take him down. The low level of  support our President is receiving from John McCain and others  in his own party is pure treachery.  The Establishment is upset because we didn't elect their chosen ones and our President is being sabotaged with a Robert Mueller Grand Jury investigation.
The time is right! We have the right President to drain the swamp. We need to help him by surrounding him with the right people in Congress. BlakPac is supporting races around the country to make sure we are electing honest patriotic conservative candidates. We can't stop draining the swamp and cleaning out the sewers. It's time for America First.
BlakPac has had enough, I am sure you have too. We haven't stopped our campaign to defend our President and our democracy!! We need to drain the swamp.
Democrats are also using the media to outrage communities with misleading information about the President's intentions and work. They dismiss all the good work our President is doing right now. Over one Million new Private sector jobs have returned and the stock market is doing very well.
Leaks of our President's private conversations occur all the time. Our National security is in danger. Democrats and RINOS are making sure his work for us is delayed and/or destroyed.
Our efforts are effective, we are doing mailings, radio ads, phone calls, facebook, twitter @realblakpac Instagram and other social media plus door-to door visits,and attending  community meetings and events. We must work 365 days a year to protect the President as he keeps his promises.
President Donald Trump really needs us. He needs our prayers for wisdom as the Republican Never Trumpers keep attacking him. We are aware of the Obama, Hillary, McCain resistance movement buried deep inside of Government offices that are delaying and destroying his good works to repeal and replace failing Obamacare, lower taxes for everyone, and secure the Borders. If you cannot give at this time, Pray for Donald J. Trump and pray for America. Pray also that like other attacks against our President, this latest grand jury attack will backfire and lead to an indictment against Hillary Clinton.
Together, lets  #MAGA for all Americans. 
George T. Farrell

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