George Farrell
BlakPac Columnist

If the Republican Party looses the Presidential campaign of 2016, let this serve as the first obituary. The Republican Debate orchestrated by Rupert Murdock of Fox on August 6, 2015 shows who is really running the Show. Reince Priebus is killing the Republican National Committee. He is affable, technological savvy but lacking in the skills of a great leader.  The first question to Donald Trump was a question of loyalty, and if Mr. Priebus, was a strong leader, he would have pulled him from the lineup right away. Instead, he offers spin in a prepared statement claiming "true competition" when we are watching a circus. The latest debate on CNBC was even worse.

Immediately after the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate on October 28, Mr. Priebus loudly ranted that the Debate moderators asked horrible questions. Blakpac Member Derrick Wilburn said "The BIG loser last night was CNBC. They came off looking horrible. And it was worse in person than on tv."

On Sunday, November 1,  2015, The senior consultants of the candidates are meeting in Washington, DC and firing Priebus is under consideration. According to Politico writers Haddas Gold and Eliza Collins " The gathering is being organized by advisers to the campaigns of Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal and Lindsey Graham, according to multiple sources involved in the planning. Others who are expected to attend, organizers say, are representatives for Carly Fiorina, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Rick Santorum. The planners are also reaching out to other Republican candidates."

“I think the campaigns have a number of concerns and they have a right to talk about that amongst themselves,” said Christian Ferry, Graham’s campaign manager. The objective, Ferry said, was to “find out what works best for us as a group.”

 Joan  Walsh of Salon magazine identified Mr. Priebus as the "Big Loser."  after the first Republican debate. Reince Priebus inability to control Donald Trump early in the campaign, whom showed  the loyalty of Judas when he raised his hand to deny the GOP, and his inability to put together debates of substance may finally be his downfall.

The Republican Presidential  loss to Obama of 2014 should have sent Reince packing, but he was reelected Chair in January 2015.  His  questionable leadership  resulted  in subsequent  high turnover from the GOP staff. Sally Bradshaw, whom co-authored the GOP Growth an Opportunity Plan, defected to Jeb Bush. Mr, Priebus is brushing off concerns about the Donald but the horse is already out of the barn with rumblings from other  candidates upset about their placement in the debate and the arbitrary use of national polls. The job that is really on the line is Reince Priebus, and if he cannot get control of this three ring circus,  then count on the GOP to put in another loosing performance.