Thursday, November 13, 2008

"J Edgar" Paulson gets the Memo

J. Edgar Paulson finally got the memo to stop using the United States Treasury as the trading floor of Goldman Sachs. On Thursday, November 6, 2008, I wrote that Paulson needs to be shut down. Well, he has, but not before transferring enough funds to Pay salaries and bonuses to his old firm.

As the King transitions back to work, many squires and princesses are getting on my bandwagon. Come on everyone. Lets get rich together.


Anonymous said...

King George, you can count me on the bandwagon!

I just wish that the country could somehow dump this monkey of a belief in lack off of their backs and take a big, deep breath of fresh air into our collective lungs with the belief that a better day is just a breath away.

Anonymous said...

King George
I am your biggest fan. Your influence on Capital Hill is awesome. I know you are one of the most powerful and influential lobyst in DC. I am forwarding my resume to you. Please respond