Thursday, November 20, 2008


The King is half wrong. Hillary Clinton was chosen by President-Elect Obama to be Secretary of State on Deember 1, 2008 and must be confirmed by the full United States Senate. Once confirmed, she is still eligible for the next available Supreme Court Justice Appointment, that is again approved by this same Senate. I will be half right soon

Dear President-Elect Obama:

This is an open appeal not to place Senator Hillary Clinton in your Cabinet. She is a remarkable person and the proper place for her is on the Supreme Court of the United States of America. Her broad based experience is best served overseeing legal decisions that affect the lives of United States citizens. I am afraid that she is too familiar with the past administration to carry out your your orders as Chief Executive. Do not make that mistake. Besides, I know you read this blog.
The Good King George

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why should Hillary get anything? What job did she earn. Is my memory serving me correctly or did she LOSE. At what point in the United States did we start to reward losers with grand prizes? I have an idea. Lets call Dan Marino and give him a Super Bowl trophy and ring because he played well. Lets give Barry Bonds a World Series Trophy for good statistics. Why we are at it, lets give billions of dollars to failing companies and banks just because. Wait. Lets give Ford and General Motors gazillions in cash for bad management. Did I make my point yet. Stop this foolishness. Hillary deserves nothing! NOTHING!