Friday, February 16, 2018

On to Victory 2018

On March 17, 2016, The Black, Latin and Asian Political Action Committee, known as BlakPac, endorsed candidate Donald Trump and  issued a  game changing endorsement because we believed electing President Trump would save America.  We were right!

President Trump is making America great again. He is not racist despite the Main Stream Media efforts to label him one. He is bringing jobs back to the USA and as a result, we have the lowest Black unemployment rate in history.

Thanks to our hard work, BlakPac and our coalition members earned an invitation to the White House to attend the National African American History Reception with President Donald and First Lady Melania Trump. We had the pleasure to meet Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and HUD Secretary Ben Carson.

When we were in the White House with 600 other National Leaders including Alveda King, Sheriff David A Clarke, Herman Cain, Katrina Pierson, Dr. Carol Swain, Ward Connerly, Pastor Darrell Scott and Pastor Mark Barnes, we realized how far we have come since those early days when BlakPac was among the first groups to issue a written endorsement and actively campaign for Candidate Trump  We often felt so alone supporting President Trump and  working with limited resources against Crooked Hillary. 

We now have the incredible opportunity to elect more people to lead the charge to a Colorblind America based upon character and not color. As we took in the grandeur of the White House, we realized that God did not bring us this far to fail, We now know that we are not alone but by combining our resources with other National leaders, we can double minority turnout for Republicans if we start early, work harder and back true conservatives.

We constantly interact with minority communities nationwide to elect candidates regardless of color who are committed to live Colorblind. BlakPac brings conservative values to minority communities and we must keep boots on the ground in challenging neighborhoods.

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