Once again, the radical liberal National Association for the Advancement of “Certain” People (NAACP) has proven that Blacks can indeed sellout their own people and even be extremely hypocritical.
The NAACP’s perpetual promotion to the Black community of radical Democratic policies, in recent years, has caused more harm to the Black community than any White man with a sheet over his face.
Like in the Bible, the handwriting is on the wall for the NAACP. I am calling for all people of good conscious to withhold any and all support for this organization, whether monetary or otherwise.
Why am I being so hard on this group you might be asking? Well, last week the NAACP once again showed their total lack of relevance; and they continue to find new ways to further embarrass the Black community.
Cornell Brooks, the national president of the NAACP, was so bored that he decided to gather a few of his cronies to fly down to Mobile, Alabama and hijack Senator Jeff Sessions’ office as an act of civil disobedience.
They demanded that Sessions withdraw his name from consideration for United States Attorney General, because in their perverted minds, he is supposed to be a racist.
As I wrote recently, I worked Sessions’ first senate campaign and you will not find a more decent person on Earth. The radical, liberal NAACP claims that Sessions made what they consider to be “racist” statements 30 years ago.
Oh, really? You want to go there? Alright, then let’s go there.
No one has ever accused Sessions of being a member of the KKK or serving in a leadership capacity in the hate group. So, I find it quite ironic that when former West Virginia U.S. Senator Robert Byrd died in 2010, the NAACP “mourned” his death.
Byrd was not only a member of the KKK, but he also served as Exalted Cyclops, which meant he was basically CEO of his local chapter. Byrd also has the distinction of being the only U.S. Senator to have voted against both Black Supreme Court nominees (Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas). And that’s who the NAACP mourned? You can read more about Byrd’s racism here.
So, they mourn the person with a track record of being a racist and attempt to malign the person with no “credible” evidence of being a racist?
Brooks also claimed that he wanted to “bring attention to issues like the continuing debate over police killings of unarmed civilians, mostly Blacks” of which Sessions had nothing to do with.
Let me point out a few other examples of the NAACP’s hypocrisy in action.
Why didn’t Brooks and his cronies hijack Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel’s office after the murder of Laquan McDonald at the hands of the Chicago police department? Emmanuel intentionally withheld the video of the murder until after his reelection, because he knew that releasing the video before the election would have guaranteed his defeat.
Why didn’t the NAACP hijack Education Secretary Arnie Duncan’s office for the policies he unleashed that devastated Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)?
Why didn’t they hijack Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s office in Baltimore, Md., when the Justice Department issued their scathing report in the aftermath of the protests and riots sparked by the police killing of Freddie Gray? Justice Department officials found that Baltimore’s police department was rampant with racism and all sorts of civil rights violations.
Finally, why didn’t they hijack the offices of the Democratic House and Senate leadership over the recently released report about the lack of Black staffers?
So, it seems like the National Association for the Advancement of “Certain” People is only interested in racism when it involves Republicans. They never hold Democrats to the same standard, because they are too busy trying to curry favor; not standing up for those who have truly been aggrieved.
This group’s hypocrisy stinks so much that I believe their days are numbered. They have been weighed in the balances and have been found grossly wanting; wanting for relevance and wanting for money.
They claim to be a non-partisan group, but, in my opinion, the group is nothing more than an arm of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). This is why I am asking my readers to refrain from this day forward from giving them any form of support. Let them continue to wither on the vine.
They have brought total dishonor to the likes of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rosa Parks. They have also brought shame to the hard work and dedication to lifetime Republicans and lifetime NAACP members like Bob Brown and Bill Coleman.\
I am asking this new Congress to convene hearings on the possibility of forcing the I.R.S. to strip groups like these of their tax-exempt status for promoting the Democratic Party.
A great way to honor Dr. King’s legacy is to cancel your NAACP membership and Join BlakPAC at www.blakpac.com today.
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