You and I have ignited a grassroots firestorm to Draft Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate.
And it’s sweeping the nation -- fast.
That’s why I’m asking for your most generous support to fuel the firestorm.
Can I count on you to chip in a contribution of $25, $35, $50, $100, $250 or $500 to help massively expand BlakPACs “Draft Sheriff Clarke” grassroots operation?
There’s no doubt Sheriff Clarke is watching and knows about our Draft Sheriff Clarke movement.
In fact, since we launched our program he’s been more and more in the national spotlight, conducting interviews and even speaking at the Inaugural Deploraball.
And Friend, Sheriff Clarke isn’t holding back any punches, either!
Just yesterday, on the Fox and Friends Weekend show, Sheriff Clarke infuriated the liberal left by defending Donald Trump’s Executive Order halting immigration from terrorist nations for national security reasons.
He even took on left-wing mega billionaire and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
Of course, Sheriff Clarke will be viciously attacked next week for speaking out and defending Trump.
But he knows it.
That’s because Sheriff Clarke is clearly testing the waters to gauge whether or not he’s got the grassroots backing to take on and defeat an entrenched incumbent like Tammy Baldwin.
Today I’m counting on you to help show him he does by chipping in a contribution of $25 or more to help with our efforts.
Your contribuiton will go directly toward expanding our current program to generate a tidal wave of support behind drafting Sheriff Clarke.
I’m talking mass emails.
Facebook newsfeed ads targeted to conservatives who haven’t yet signed their “Draft Sheriff Clarke” petition.
Google ads.
Even TV and radio ads -- resources permitting.
So what do you say, Friend?
Are you in?
Please click here to sign your petition and chip in a contribution to show your support for Sheriff Clarke.
And if you would, please forward this to everyone you know and ask them to add their name to the petition list.
Thank you and God Bless,
George Farrell
National Director
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