Sunday, November 29, 2015

Is America Dead?

CS Bennett 
Blakpac Blogger

At some point, Americans forgot that the principles of individualism, freedom, prosperity, and even failure rooted in our free market system were actually meant for them.
That was one of the goals of the Founding Fathers from the onset of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787.

For four months in 1787, 55 delegates from several states met to frame a Constitution for a federal republic that would last into “remote futurity.”

Several other government models available to the framers—monarchy, dictatorship, oligarchy, parliamentary democracy, theocracy, commonwealth—were rejected for this new nation.
Today socialism, with collectivism at its core, remains the biggest rival to our system. Early concepts of socialism were available to the framers, as well. They knew that socialism restricted individual liberty and stifled creativity. To their credit, they chose to create a republic.
Over the span of 200 years, the United States of America became a military superpower and a global economic and political leader.As an industrial juggernaut, the country not only armed our victorious allies, but helped them win two World Wars.

As a military power, it was second to none. Its free market system produced the largest middle class society known to modern man. Mom-and-pop businesses flourished.
Then things began to change—for the worse. People who favored other forms of governance crept into power and methodically, fundamentally changed our system. This process began in earnest with the 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson. Today, progressivism and socialism have been taken to a new level by the 44th President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama. The result: communism.
Individuality and pursuing one’s dreams have become synonymous with materialism and self-indulgence. Success and prosperity are no longer admirable goals. Freedom of choice and enjoyment of the fruits of ones’ labor are now considered greed and self-indulgence. Individual success and widely diffused power are not only distasteful, but intolerable to those who believe that government is best suited to guide societies and should have a monopoly on power.

Many equate greedy men and women, some with criminal intent, with an economic process that was never about greed or crime. Thus was born the term “crony capitalism.” But it is not capitalism, nor even close.
To correct this aberration, Americans going after corporate greed have supported, even encouraged, the erosion and dismantlement of our capitalist system just to get back at crony capitalists who have manipulated that system.

They confuse the capitalist system with the alliance of corrupt corporate interests and government that have undermined capitalism and our constitutional republic.
The outdated practice of bloodletting was once thought to purge the body of “bad humors” or “bad blood.” It was almost always harmful to the individual and often resulted in death.

Today, as Americans seek to bleed the rich, while destroying our free market system in the process, they fail to realize that the freedoms and liberties they enjoy now, but deny to those they seek to punish, in a round about way are also denying themselves. In other words, they are unknowingly bringing about their own demise in their zealous attempts to go after a few rotten apples who gamed the system.

When America was guided by virtuous leaders and the principles established by the Founding Fathers, we thrived as a nation and rose to global prominence. Our society was imperfect, but there were mechanisms in place that were meant to keep the United States relevant, united, solvent and true to the framers’ original intent. Sadly, more Americans are openly declaring their support for socialism, a system that has proven to fail wherever it took hold. So, right now, our country remains divided and in so many ways.
The greatness of ancient and modern societies was in their ability to remain united in purpose. Once they lost their focus, they declined. Those who were not united were at war with themselves, and that finally destroyed them.

United, Athens and Sparta fought off the Persian Empire, the superpower of their time. Divided, they fought the Peloponnesian War, which was the turning point of Greek civilization and the start of its decline. United, Rome conquered the civilized world. As it forgot the virtues that made it great, it drained its vitality on internal power struggles, relied on mercenary armies, and was finally destroyed, plunging Europe into centuries of darkness.

America has had a history of being divided, united, divided and then united again. It has known a resilence few countries have. But polls today show that people think that America is in a decline. Ayn Rand had it right in her book Atlas Shrugged.

There was a time people came to the United States seeking freedom and opportunity here. Today, illegals flood across the border seeking freebees and whatever else they can bleed from the system. This is not what makes a nation great. What is going on now in America is a recipe for failure.
Great nations like Rome and Greece died from this toxic recipe. They experienced a gradual decline in morals, political corruption, failing economies, high unemployment within the working class, constant wars and invasions. A majority of Americans seem to believe that this country is headed down this slippery path.
America may be down, but many of its citizens are still in the fight to save it. The country can bounce back if it can find ways to reunite in purpose and return to the principles of liberty and freedom, justice and prosperity. It was never meant to be an easy road to travel. Nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why we must make a stand or die on our knees tomorrow.

Outside Independence Hall when the Constitutional Convention of 1787 ended, Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin,

"Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."
As other great civilizations have learned, greatness is hard-won by blood and sacrifice, and easily lost in luxury and sloth. As the Romans might have said, O quam cito transit gloria mundi.

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