Monday, December 15, 2008

The New York Scam Exchange What CNBC won´t say

Bernard Madoff’s alleged $50 billion Ponzi scheme has run its course and this is one of the biggest problems on Wall Street. The stock market is blatenly dishonest at its core. Bernard Madoff business had been insolvent for years and he confessed that his business was all just one big lie.

Lets take this a bit further and let me ask you a few questions. If you had 50 billion dollars, could you make money and two, if you had that Jewish heritage thing going along with 50 billion bucks could you make money. The King makes money everyday with less than 50 billion and without the Jewish heritage thing.

This may lead you to the conclusion that maybe Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange is on big Ponzi Scheme that relies on new suckers for the old suckers to make money, and that one day 20% of the suckers woke up and left. In order to keep the scheme going, The United States Government became the biggest sucker of them all. That way the Investments Brokerage Houses or Old Suckers could get out whole with bonuses and all before everything collapsed. The second thing is that maybe after 50 years of the Jewish guilt trip, that veneer has rubbed off.

Brothers and Sisters. its time to get yours. Buy cash flowing businesses in 2009, stockpile your cash and hold on. Build your businesses around your families and stop doubting your abilities. I am teaching my squires and princesses to look beyond the United States for opportunities. Export you products to growing, thriving markets and do not throw a pity party over your setbacks. Capital is available for the tenacious.

I still beleive Bernie will die a free man. Heres another question. If you had 50 Billion smackaroos, would you only have one passport?


Anonymous said...

I read your book King George. Would you describe Bernard as a Forest Gump. A stupid white man in a suit. He was the consumate insider and still could not make money with all of his connections. If the market is that corrupt and dishonest, then the entire bailout is a government sponsored ponzi scheme. I am throwing my shoes at Bankrobber Ben when I see him.

Anonymous said...

Madoff made off with buckets of cash and you are right King George. He will never see the inside of a jaiul cell. His sons and his wife are cutting deals and will all take off with their Isreali passports in their private G4 plane to Greece.

Anonymous said...

King George
I get an instant alert whenever you add to your blog and I kind of expected this tirade. You are definitely one angry black man. Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

King George
After I read your last blog, my heart sunk. I lost money in the tech bubble, watched my 401 dissappear and am cancelling Christmas. You cut to the quick again and the whole market appears like a ponzi scheme. I have lost faith in our market economy and do not know one person that has benefitted from the bailout. You wrote that you have the ansear. WHAT IS IT

Anonymous said...

I am not trying to be funny and neither am I racist but King George has a point regarding the Jewish heritage thing. I noticed that those who lost millions in Bernie's scheme were Jewish. The foundations that are having to close their doors because of Bernie's thievery are all foundations established by Jews. In West Palm Beach, Florida where many wealthy Jewish people live, those that banked on Bernie are literally having to sell multi-million dollar mansions because ALL of their money is gone!

My question: Did Bernie target his own people to steal from?

Regardless of the answer, what he did is shameful and no, he shouldn't see the inside of a jail cell, the jail house should be sat on his head. The Jewish foundations were programmed to help the disenfranchised from all walks of life and it's a shame that Bernie really stole from those who could afford it the least - the poor and down trodden.

By the way, King George, have you heard what made his son decide to expose his ponzi scheme and turn him in?

Anonymous said...

Bernie is small potatoes compared to the theft of Bush and Dick. At least he did not send young men of to die for nothing.