Raynard Jackson
BlakPAC Blogger
Last month I wrote a column titled, “Russia Is Winning the War for American Minds.”
In that piece, I discussed how Russia had unleashed a psychological
operations program in the U.S. to destabilize our government and our
various institutions; they have been phenomenally successful with their
As I continued to ponder this Russian operation in the U.S., I have
begun to wonder, are we to, becoming more and more like Russia without
even knowing it?
Dissent in either country is no longer tolerated.
In both countries, the central government wants to control every aspect of life, both private and public.
In both countries, the central government wants to control the means of production, i.e. business.
So, like in the communist days of old, no dissent, government control, and central planning are the themes of the day.
Just think, if you happen to believe that a boy born with male
genitalia should actually be expected to go to the boy’s bathroom, you
are considered hateful and discriminatory. If you happen to hold to the
“radical” notion that homosexuality is morally wrong, you are forced to
kneel before the altar of political correctness (PC) until you recant.
When freedom is threatened, anarchy can’t be far behind.
In both countries, the government is increasingly controlling more
and more of how private companies operate through onerous regulations.
Now, some lawmakers wants to mandate how much small businesses pay
their employees, what products or services you can make or provide, the
type of bathrooms you must provide, and how much profit they will allow
you to make via the tax code.
In both countries, the government plans your life from cradle to grave. In the U.S., half of all births are paid for by the government through Medicaid. Now the government wants to take over our health insurance, which is one seventh of our economy.
The government is far too involved in far too many aspects of our
lives. The government has absolutely no business paying for healthy
people to have babies. None.
How about this novel concept: if you can’t financially afford to have a child, then keep your legs closed!
Yeah, I said it. And I will not recant at the altar of political correctness.
Compassion should not be measured by how many government programs we create, but rather by how few Americans actually need them.
It’s unsettling that the very people who benefit from the largess of
our government have the gall to get angry when Republicans want to
mandate that in exchange for the government benefits, they would have to
work a certain number of hours per week.
Our government has become our drug dealer. The government knows we
are hooked on the drug of government dependency, and with this
knowledge, they seek to manipulate and control us.
Isn’t it amazing that the more we come to distrust our institutions,
the more the government seems to inject themselves into our lives?
The government has absolutely no right mandating family leave,
maternity, paternity leave or things of the sort. These things sounds
good on the surface, but this is not the job of the government.
A woman choosing to have a baby is a private matter and if she can’t
afford to take time off to raise a child, then maybe she should delay
starting a family until such time as she can financially to do so.
So, the more the government is involved in our lives, the more
control they have over our lives; the more control they have, the more
they will attempt to dictate our values, by promoting constructs like
homosexuality, transsexual entitlements, and secularism.
Russia is, without question, run by a pseudo autocrat, Vladimir
Putin. Yes, they have “democratic” elections, but no one in their right
minds would view Russian elections as free and fair.
I do not argue that Russia is the cause of our distrust, but I think it
is quite obvious that they have sped it up considerably; Putin put our
distrust of government on steroids.
So, in theory, I think that President Trump’s recently submitted
budget proposal is on point. One could argue about the deep cuts he is
proposing, but if you believe in freedom and liberty, you can’t argue
with the intent of his budget—to shrink the size and power of the U.S.
government in our daily lives.
The only way to begin to restore faith in our government institutions
is by decreasing their influence over our lives. Isn’t it amazing that
the last two, great economic periods in our country were under
Presidents Reagan and Clinton?
What do these two presidents have in common? They both presided over
White Houses that were focused on shrinking the size of government.
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