Governor Rick Scott, the christian man I know, should apologize to Former Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll, not because he has to, but because it is the best thing to do. A coward does nothing but a brave and forgiving man apologizes, wrong or not. He owes his job to Black Republicans. First to
Former Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll for his win over Florida
Attorney General Bill McCollum and next to BlakPAC.
exploited the wedge issue of School Choice that increased Rick Scott's
vote total from 30,000 Black voters to 90,000 Black Voters, beating
Democrat Charlie Crist by 1,1% or 60,000 votes. Then, using our database
of 52,000 black Republicans and 250,000 Black Independents, we doubled
the Florida Black voter turnout for Donald Trump to 170,000 in 2016.
Donald Trump narrowly won Florida by 112.119 votes.
Before the formation of BlakPAC on January 9, 2015, I arranged Mr.
Scott's was first visit to a Black Church, Bethel Community Baptist
Church in St Petersburg Florida to visit pastor Manuel Sykes. This
signaled to Black Republicans and other voters that he was more
acceptable than chameleon Crist. Former Lieutenant Governor Jennifer
Carroll is a co-founder of BlakPAC, and although no fan of Rick Scott,
we both knew he was a better choice for the citizens of Florida than
liberal Charlie.
Now it's time for Governor Rick Scott to apologize to former Lt.
Governor Jennifer Carroll for asking her to resign and admit it was a
mistake. If Rick Scott wants Black Republican votes in Florida. like the
170,000 that elected Donald Trump, its time to apologize. Ms Carroll
has to much class to ask, but I, like the President says, have nothing
to loose.
Every statewide election in Florida is decided by 2% or less, so when
Governor Scott starts counting votes for a possible United State senate
run, he will come up short without without BlakPAC on the scene.
Rick Scott can start by instructing his Let's Get To Work PAC and the
Republican Party of Florida to start some serious minority voter
engagement and get the Black Vice Chair Mike Barnett the authority and
funding he needs to be an effective advocate for the Florida GOP.
George T Farrell
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