By Raynard Jackson
BlakPAC Blogger
Sometimes I wonder if I was a Black Democrat, a retired Black athlete
or a Black comedian would it be easier for me to get a meeting with the
leadership of the Republican Party or harder.
As a life-long, die hard Black Republican, it seems almost impossible to get noticed in the Republican Party.
Black Republicans with credentials need not seek
any substantive engagement with the very party they have been taking
arrows in the back for over the years.
Needless to say, my mouth hit the floor when I began to get calls
last week from the media about newly confirmed, Attorney general Jeff
Sessions, agreeing to meet with radical “civil entitlements” leaders
like Marc Morial, Al Sharpton, Melanie Campbell and Wade Henderson.
C’mon man!
I worked for Sessions during his first Senate campaign in 1996 and I
know that he is a good and decent person, but I don’t understand how he
can justify the fact that one of his first meetings as Attorney General
is with people who have called him a racist.
This doesn’t sound like the Jeff Sessions that I know. It sounds like
this meeting was forced on him by marosa, that smart Black staffer in the White
House. On this point, I will continue to give you the benefit of the
doubt until I have evidence to the contrary.
The biggest disappointment about this constant dissing of Black
Republicans by the party leadership is the loud silence of Black
Memo to Black Republicans, “Grow a pair!”
This is why Republicans ignore you and why Blacks despise you. I have
been threatened many times in my life by various folks in the party for
my outspokenness about the lack of “real” Blacks in this party. As I
have told them in private meetings and as I have written constantly in
my columns, “My integrity is not for sale!”
I know what it takes to get more Blacks involved in this party, but I
refuse to engage in any half-hearted approaches to making this happen. I
also refuse to work with any Blacks that are too timid and too weak to
confront party leaders head on when they patronize or insult our
Why do I constantly speak out on this issue? Why am I so blunt in my
conversations with party leadership about their insulting approach to
the Black community?
The answer is quite simple. I am quite convinced that our message is
right for the Black community. I am so convinced that I am willing to take
my beliefs to the marketplace of ideas, i.e., the public, and know that
my arguments will carry the day.
I can count on two hands the number of Black Republicans I would want
in the trenches with me, and probably less than three of that actually
live and work in the Washington, D.C. area.
If you are too afraid to speak to a reporter on the record about
these issues, I in no way would ever want you on my side in a war; at
the first sign of trouble, you would sell me out or simply abandon me.
I constantly get calls from the media who are frustrated with the
dearth of Black Republicans they can get to go on the record for a
If President Trump is satisfied with getting only eight percent of
the Black vote, then he should continue to do what he is doing, but if
he wants to break into the high teens by 2020, then he needs to surround
himself with Blacks who know what they are doing.
If the president wants proof of concept, he only needs to look, at BlakPAC, They are
the first and only Super PAC established to get more Blacks elected and involved in
the Republican Party with a focus solely on the Black conservatives.
Nowhere else will you find a collection of videos and photos of Black
Republicans who cannot be called an Uncle Tom or a sellout. These are
the Blacks the party needs to be highlighting and promoting, not these
inexperienced millennials and other Blacks, who have absolutely no
credibility within our community.
The Black entrepreneurs are the real leaders in the Black community,
not the media-appointed charlatans that Sessions met with last week.
Until the Republican Party comes to this realization, they will continue
to get miniscule levels of Black support.
I’m officially coming out of the closet as a Black Democrat. I expect
to be on President Trump’s schedule by Thursday. RNC chair Ronna Romney
McDaniel will call me and tell me how courageous I am.
I’ll use the opportunity to talk to her about getting Blacks more
involved in the party—the Republican Party—because, at the end of the
day, what do they have to lose?
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