Friday, February 17, 2017

Correct the Disconnect

Do you know that 37% of Black Voters identify themselves as conservative yet do not vote Republican and that 40% of African Americans attend regular church service yet do not vote Republican? BlakPAC visits Democratic churches and communities and delivers the Conservative message of less government, lower taxes, pro-life and more opportunity.  We Correct the Disconnect. We match their Faith with their Politics.
When BlakPAC canvassed minority neighborhoods in Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,Texas and North Carolina we doubled black voter turnout from 8% for Mitt Romney in 2008 to 16% for President Donald Trump in 2016.
2018 is right around the corner and the Left will not stop attacking President Donald Trump. CNN and other fake news outlets are working 24/7 to destroy President Donald Trump and members of his Administration. We must work just as hard to counter their baseless attacks. We share good news with minority communities like the appointments of Dr. Ben Carson and Alexander Acosta to Trump's cabinet, We fight the liberal narrative that Trump and Republicans are racist.  We prove them wrong everyday.
 We appreciate your previous donations Thanks to you, our hard work continues to elect minority candidates and expanding the Republican Party to new people across America. We know  this is way to grow the GOP.

God Bless You,

George Farrell

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