Thursday, November 24, 2016

The BlakPAC Difference for Trump

BlakPAC produced social media, videos, and custom door hangers, had a HUGE impact on electing Donald Trump President. 

BlakPAC is the nations most effective and largest minority political organization focused on electing conservatives. Our proprietary database and messaging delivered solid voting gains in Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Texas and Pennsylvania. Where possible, we worked in tandem with the Republican Party and other organizations, At other times, BlakPac worked alone. 

Donald Trump received 13% of the African American vote compared to Mitt Romney’s 5.2%. That is double. Donald Trump recieved 16% of the Black vote accounting for his entire 2% margin of victory in Florida. Special thanks to BlakPAC Eagles Barbara Todd, Carlos Montero, Pastors Michael and Sheila Griffin, Latresa Jones, Randi Beaver, Brock Gamble,  Pastor O'Neal Dozier, Michael Lee, Esq, and Isam Berry. 

Diamond and Silk, Sen. Elbert Guillory, Star Parker, Raynard Jackson, Lt Governor Jennifer Carroll, Rep.Mike Hill along with Niger Innes of Core delivered positive messages.

As for  Hillary Clinton, she received 513,000 fewer black votes in 2016 than Barack Obama in 2012.  drop from That's an amazing drop of 5% from 93% to 88%.  Again, BlakPac pre-election polling was right on target.

It's why three days before the election, we could post "We Got This" on our Twitter, Instagram and FaceBook pages.

Because of BlakPAC, Trump received 58,972 more African American votes in Michigan than the last Presidential election.

Yes, we are bragging, and we should, because the established media will not give us our props. As for BlakPAC, we are sure that Donald Trump's administration will be the most diverse ever, because we will help to make it so.

George Farrell

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